So, I apologize for the really crappy phone picture, but I thought this was too neat not to post right away. I'll get an actual scan of it up once I have, you know, have access to a scanner. Plus, I thought this would be a good way to kick off the section on alternate universe Tonies.
I, like the dork I am, ran out after classes to buy the IM movie. The biggest store around is a Wal-Mart, so I figured I'd get the copy of DVD with the exclusive comic that comes with it. It follows Agent Coulson and Nick Fury throughout the events of the movie, with SHIELD thinking that Tony has been brainwashed by the Ten Rings (hinted at in the book adaption). Possibly one of the more interesting pages is when the two agents are discussing the Mark III armor. Since you can't actually read anything on the page, I'll type the good stuff here:

COULSON: According to Stane, Stark pulled the old files on an alloy his father worked on during World War II...
COULSON: ...For O.S.S. op called Project: Rebirth
FURY: I can guess what happened next. Stark found his father's archives and used it to strengthen his suit.
COULSON: It's pretty impressive, Mr. Director. What was Project: Rebirth's goal?
FURY: That's still classified to all but Omega Level Clearance, Coulson. But to give you an idea of its importance, what Stark has is just a prototype...A reject.
FURY: The final product was lost...although you can bet your life we'll never stop looking for it.
The "prototype" is an early version of Captain America's shield, implying that Project: Rebirth was the Super-Solider Program in some way, shape, or form. It seems the Manhattan Project wasn't the only thing that Howard Stark was working on back during the Big One.
So movie!Tony's armor is based off early versions of Cap's shield. Am I the only on who thinks it's hilarious that Howard Stark apparently just had the thing laying around? There's probably a Raider's of the Lost Ark-type warehouse somewhere on one of the Stark properties with all of the abandoned projects in little cretes.
I am going to leave comments mostly on the LJ feed of this-- but can I humbly request scans of this whole comic? :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome. I love it. I guess the Cap protoype shield was made out of the "gold-titanium alloy" Tony's MkIII is made of, then? Whereas the actual Cap shield is made of adamantium/vibranium layering, which is probably too rare and expensive (and hard to repair) for a whole suit of armor with lots of moving parts.