Have you ever wanted to breath fire?
Have you ever wanted shoot electricity out of your hands?
Have ever wanted to cut off your heel and have it grow back?
Well then Extremis is for you!
A brand new product from FuturePharm, your leader in super solider enhanciles. Simply inject the Extremis into the base of your skull, and let it work its magic!
Not only will it give you superhuman abilities such has being able to run as 300 miles per hour or lift cares above your head, Extremis can regrow all your organs. Heart wrecked from shrapnel and years of over stress? Grow a new one! Liver damaged from decades of alcohol abuse? Grow a new one! Eardrums sore for nagging girlfriends? Grow new ones!
Plus, Extremis can be tailor to fit your needs. Don't want fire breath? Replace it with the ability to communicate with any computer with your mind. You get the power to choose!
Side effects include:
- Vomiting
- Seizure
- Being emotionally deficient
- Being encased in a cocoon of scabs
- Seeing the haunting images of of your dead loved ones
- Being susceptible to alien computer viruses
- A 97.5% chance of death
- And occasionally turning into a woman
So call your local FuturePharm representative and ask for Extremis today! Hurry, before it gets retconned out!
::hugs you:: also-- they'd better not retcon it... It's an interesting dynamic and they need to explore it's boundaries on Tony's personality (and no i don't mean like in civil war-- i mean in like him having to really discover a new balance between man and machine) before they magic it away <3