Oh my. So, does this mean that Clor was originally going to be Tony's Kept Man, but the Skrull!Pym and Reed came along and messed up his happy, ale-ridden dream? Richaaaaarrrddssss!
The clone Thor thing was indeed odd. Especially since he wasn't so much a clone as some kind of android or something... But, the idea of Tony keeping it as some kinda Yaoi sex toy is both upsetting and strangely appropriate.
Tony Stark: World's Most Wanted Norman Osborn: Wait, what? Maria Hill: No doubt about to fall to the Stark Curse Rhodey: Kicks ass while nakkid Cap: Is still dead
The clone Thor thing was indeed odd. Especially since he wasn't so much a clone as some kind of android or something... But, the idea of Tony keeping it as some kinda Yaoi sex toy is both upsetting and strangely appropriate.