Anyway, I've been planning this one for a while, but I figured now was as good a time as any to post this...article? Ramblings? Hmm, well, whatever, I thought it was a good time to post. See, I want to talk about a character that I have a soft spot in my heart for, and apparently so does Tony. Yes, I'm talking about

I understand a lot of people don't like Maria. You're not supposed to like Maria. She was created to be hated. She's the unqualified replacement of Nick Fury. She's the villainous face of the government in Civil War. She gave Captain America the order to hunt down his friends and family. She mind-raped Peter Parker. And she's just a flat out bitch.
So why do I like her? Hell if I know. I've been thinking about for a while now, and I've come to the conclusion it's because she is a bitch that I like her so much. Now, you have characters like Carol Danvers who, Marvel Gods bless her soul, is a bitch. I love Carol (sometimes), I really do, but I dunno, there's something...fake about her? She tries to be nice, but we all know she's a bit of a bitch anyway. She's one of those strong female leads that often crosses the line of being endearing and annoying.
Maria, now she's just completely unapologetic about her bitchitude. She knows she's a bitch. She knows she's not Nick Fury. She knows she's pretty well hated in every way to be hated. She realizes all of this and simply trudges on, doing what she has to do to get the job done. She's a little like Tony in a way.
There are people out there that don't have a real opinion about her because she's been so underdeveloped for a long while now, with only really the Knaufs and Fraction exploring her character as anything other that "EVILLLL." Admittedly, I was one of those people until Director of SHIELD. We're starting to see this new part of her that actually cares about humanity...or at least Tony. In Haunted, she was the one that called Doc Samson when Tony was having an apparent schizophrenic fugue. She tried to talk Tony out of the whole auto-lobotomy suicide machine thing while Pepper just went with it (though Pepper's probably used to this sh*t from Tony by now). She's starting to become less bitch and more hardass.
As with all of this blog, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm defending a character I happen to like a lot.
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I've come to really like Maria F***ing Hill too. She's quite the mirror image of Tony in many ways. She rocks, and she's hot.
ReplyDeleteIt was great to see her and Tones hook up. Sadly, this probably means she's gonna die fairly soon, which ain't fair.
I continue to love your Tony F***ing Stark page.
My favorite thing about Maria is that she doesn't take Tony's shit, even as she warms up to him and comes to respect him. By the time Dark Reign rolls around, they have an almost brothers-in-arms relationship, which you don't see often enough with male-female pairs.
ReplyDeleteShe's also from Chicago, which I can dig. Midwest represent!
I'm ready to stand up and be counted! I dig Maria Hill!
ReplyDeleteShe's not a nice person. I wouldn't buy her lunch or anything. But she's indelible -- there's really nobody in the MU like her -- and she's always interesting.
Did you see that bit in IM Civil War where she saved Tony from an antimatter bomb and covered him with her own body to shield him from the explosion? Unf. Lucky girl.
Um? Sorry, lost my focus there for a second. :D Anyway, my point is: Maria's got guts. She may be wrong, but she's never ignoble. She's quite willing to die for whatever ethically suspect position she feels it's her duty to defend, so she's not a hypocrite. She's got the courage of her effed up convictions.
Comic characters have been redeemed for a lot less, and I think that's where they're going with Maria Hill. I hope so, anyway.
Go Maria, go!