Okay, okay, we all know about Tony's great number of sexual conquests of the female persuasion, but you have to admit, there are times when he just comes off as, well, a little gay. Not doubt there was a reason for all the innuendos in the movie (even if it was all in jest).
Now, I could talk about how he used to strip down in front of Rhodey every other issue. I could talk about his absolutely amazing fashion sense.
But, personally, I prefer to look at what he does in private, the inner monologues, the sealed off angst. Because it's one thing for him to act a certain way, and a very different thing for him to think a certain way.
Of course, it's all reading into subtext -- Tony has never been shown in a relationship with a man. But I come from a long tradition of yaoi fandoms, most of which don't even have the subtext part.
It's interesting though, because it seems to me that it's fairly accepted part of the fandom. Well, maybe not "accepted" so much as "yeah it's there." Or has my yaoi-raddled mind gotten it all wrong? Now that I've gone out and spammed this blog in places other than just slash communities, I'd be really interested in seeing the general feeling out there.
How do you all feel about the possibility of Tony being bisexual? Do you think this is all just crazy-talk? Would you want him to come out?
And please, I know this can be a very heated topic, so please keep it clean. It's supposed to be a discussion of the character, not of morality or politics. Thanks.
And, as an ending note, I think Ultimate Jarvis makes a fairly good point:
P.S. I'll do a more serious post about this later. I just figured I couldn't let today slip by without post something on the topic.
I honestly can't think of Tony as anything other then Bi. It might be all "sub-text" but considering his relationship with Tiberius Stone... he acted like the man walked on water even after he treated him like shit. There are one or two shots in the comics where I'm pretty sure it's shown Ty WAS bi (male and female sex slaves anyone?) and I really DON'T see much of a leap in saying that he and Tony had a relationship of some kind.
ReplyDeleteAND DEAR LORD half the stuff he does with Cap! The most obvious two I can think of at the moment is the whole "azure" eyes comment, and the time when Tony was reflecting upon his alcoholism and says something like: "i wouldn't listen to anyone, not my any of my friends, not even HIM." in reference to Cap. In any other character's storyline that would have been where they would put the "love of my life" person... and Tony put Cap.
Happy Coming Out Day to you, too! Personally, I think Tony is bi, but I think that about many of my favorite characters. Actually, I think that mostly about the eccentric genius archetype, which Tony rather fits. Don't know why, but all quirky geniuses swing both ways in my mind.
ReplyDeleteBut really, if Tony's inner monologue in Civil War: Confession wasn't the grief-stricken thoughts of a man who's lover had just died, I don't know what is.
I have to agree with Monica on this one. The genius level IQ and aggressive passion to use it for me points to him being bi. I think that everyone is bi to a degree, but the more intelligent the person is, the more accepting he or she is of acknowledging it on some level.
ReplyDeleteWhether or not he's actually acted on those desires is something else. However, looking at the sort of entourage of men that he's always surrounded himself (Cap, Rhodey, Happy freakin' Hogan) without having any sort of machismo fest ala Entourage, illustrates his love and comfort being with other men, even if he does not act on it (probably because those men are not as intelligent and are more simplistic than he is). So, instead of showing them his sexual side, he just shows them his passionate and loyal side. They would not "get it." And as for the other option, just free-swinging it at a gay club anonymously, that's so not Tony. No, instead he emotionally involves himself with men who are too blinded to see that that sort of love could turn physical.
Yeah, I can see Stark being bi. Why not? I tend to think that Stark is very much into touch, and comfort. It doesn't matter if it's a woman or a man. Also, his society (rich, East Coast, probably very much influenced by Europe) would be accepting of that kind of thing, even if it wasn't spoken about. It doesn't help that Henry Hellrung (in the first book of The Order) drops a hint and he and Tony were reported to be lovers in the light as Cary Grant and that Rupert fellow as well as the heavy subtext with Ti Stone.
ReplyDeleteBeing bi works for Stark, I say. I must admit though, I can only accept him as bi with select people. I really need to get the second order trade.